Friday, September 30, 2016

The Science of Bits and Boundaries

It's a true fact, which is the very best kind of fact, that everything - everything - is made up of tiny little bits.  Even tinier than atoms, are neutrons and protons, and those uber tiny bits are made of quarks and gluons.  I'm sure that sometime soon someone will discover that quarks are made up of even tinier bits. And all these bits are vibrating around at various frequencies, just sort of bumping into each other with a bunch of - get this - space around them.  What is space, I wonder.
So that means that bits of me are bumping up against bits of the couch and bits of the floor and bits of the Earth and actually, we are all exchanging bits all the time.
So how in the world do we tell what's me and what's not?  We imagine boundaries.

While I'm trying to get my mind around these tiny little bits, I think about the planet, which is a little part of the solar system, which is a tiny part of the galaxy which is an itsy bitsy bit of the Universe, which might just be one of a collection of Universes.


So tell me again about the importance of that rose thorn in my thumb. And tell me again why we make a big deal out of location of birth, the shade of brown of skin, or what song we sing.

Surely whom or how we love doesn't matter as much as how well we love, or even that fact that we love.  Surely what we put out there, is what will be in the space that surrounds our bits.  Surely, given enough time (whatever that is) bits of me and bits of you will be exchanged.  How lovely is that?

We are One and we are a gazillion googalilion bits.  It's enough to blow my neurons!  I am grateful.

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