Thursday, September 8, 2016


Okay, okay already! I hear you, Body! I'll behave today. Just stop screaming at me. 
It's time for a warm epsom salt bath, extra tumeric, clean sheets,and Thai food. Not necessarily in that order. I keep thinking about those meat tenderizers that are like hammers with metal spikes. I believe I may have been tenderized while I slept. Well, truth be told, I probably needed to be more tender, but not this way.  
It just makes me crazy that I have so much to do and my body refuses to cooperate. I very much dislike needing more sleep than the average bear. I keep thinking I should be able to fix all of this. 
If I were a patient, I'd tell me that fibromyalgia is a real thing, that it's not a character flaw, laziness, or all in my head. Then I'd advise me to have a warm epsom salt bath, extra tumeric, maybe some ibuprofen, clean sheets, and Thai food. Not necessarily in that order. Then I'd give me a rain check for a hug since a hug right now would just hurt too damned much, tell me to pay at the desk, and go on my way. 
But the other health stuff going on with me, reminds me that I don't have an endless amount of time in which to adventure, to complete things, to accomplish. Of course, no one does, but we all think we do until some doctor or test result or some sort of epiphany reminds us that we don't. Maybe this evening, when it cools a bit outside, I'll make it to the hammock and watch the sun send dancing rays of energy through the woods. I'll see how many I can catch. My muscles will relax, their fascia will soften, I'll listen to the gurgling fountain and the tree frogs and the birds.  
All is well. Peace be with us all. I am grateful.

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