Thursday, December 22, 2016

Singing On In Dream Time

I have always been blessed with amazingly vivid dreams.  I'd guess over 99% have been good ones.  If a dream is going south, I usually change it somehow.  Last night, I asked for a significant dream.  I didn't ask for a specific topic, but I thought I knew what direction it would go.  I certainly got  a wondrous, significant dream, but it certainly went off on an unexpected tangent!  I'm not going to try to recount all the details of the dream here, because they would only be important to me.  I will hold them in my heart.

One good thing about BBD (Big Bad Diagnoses) is that it's really helped me whittle away things that aren't important and to have the courage to share things that I think are important or may be helpful to others.  Part of that is really considering a bucket list.  One thing on my bucket list has been to sing with a band again.  A really good band.  I joke about it often, but the desire to do so is real enough.  Last night, I did it!  Albeit in Dreamtime, it was incredible and I'm so very grateful for it.

The first set included a lot of music I've been listening to lately, which isn't surprising, but the arrangements were really my own.  I mean they must have been mine because it was my dream, of course, but the arrangements were different from those I've been listening to.  And they were very good arrangements.  We even had some slight lyric changes to make the songs fit us better.

My voice was as clear as when I was 18, as strong as when I was 35, but had the wisdom of this ripe woman.  Trust me, it worked.  And the band was tight.  Amazing!  And I was full - absolutely full - of joy.  In the middle of one song, that I don't particularly love but which I've sung a lot, tears ran down my face and I stopped singing.  But someone else in the band picked it up without missing a note.  Everyone in the audience sang along.  And that's really what music is, isn't it?

So it was a dream in which I fulfilled a dream.  It was more than enough.  I'm grateful.

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