Friday, February 24, 2017

Civil Disobedience

Thomas Jefferson, who was by most measures a very groovy man, said that if a law is unjust it is our moral duty to disobey it.  I think this not only goes for laws of government, but also laws of society and culture.  Therefore, I challenge all of us to break some laws.

1.  Pee in public restrooms clearly designated for a gender other than your own.

B.  Plant marijuana in your garden.

3.  Stand in a crowded elevator, facing the back wall.

V.  Wear articles of clothing associated with a culture other than your own.

H.  Put a thank you note on a police car.

17.  Use rain barrels

XII.  Ask your physician questions and insist on answers.

D.  Be nice to someone who really doesn't "deserve" it.

42. Attend a religious service that you would not normally attend.

12.  Refuse to "act your age."

II.  Encourage a sing-a-long in the grocery.

I'm sure if you give it some thought, you'll think of many other ways to break a cultural or government law that you find unjust.  Please share your ideas with me.  I've already done all these and I'm looking for some new ones.  

During the course of this rule-breaking, you may feel uncomfortable.  That's an excellent sign.  It means you are stretching your limits.  And let's face it, limits are silly.


Mary Dahlem said...

Love the numerical disorder!!

Crystal Jensen said...

#LL: Give (and take) yourself the same advice you'd give a best friend.

(great list foo!)